I love the song ‘Proud’ by Heather Small. Listen to it here: http://t.co/Gg7Yxj87
The lyric in this song that continues to speak to me is: “What have you done today to make you feel proud?” This line from the song is a useful mantra for our unfortunate struggle with a new year resolution and I am always looking for a way to support my clients to take action. Bottom line: Change is hard for us humans. It takes such effort and it helps if we acknowledge the small, baby steps we take to get us closer to our goal. My mission is to get as many people as possible to daily ask and answer the question from the song: “What have I done today to make me feel proud?” For a job seeker, it can be any action you’ve taken to reach out to a connection, make a phone call, do some research, apply for a job, write a ‘thank you’ note. Or it could also be something you have done just for yourself, like a self-care activity such as exercising. You pick – it doesn’t really matter what it is. Just something that made you proud…today….that YOU did! So here’s the challenge: Go to the Career3D Facebook page and post what you did today that made you feel proud. Go here now: www.Facebook.com/Career3D Post your proud moment and repeat tomorrow, and the next day and the next, etc. Brenda Comments are closed.
Brenda CodyJob Search and Career Strategist who hopes I have written something you'll find useful. Archives
August 2014